
美利堅社會主義合眾國 - United Socialist States of America

To: Asian Finance Officials
From: U.S. Treasury
Subject: Worsening Regional Crisis

As economies reel amid instability and as investors flee, it is important that Asian policy makers heed this 10-point plan:

1) Raise interest rates to support currencies;
2) Cut government spending and debt;
3) Don't blame speculators and hedge funds;
4) Let property prices slide. It is a correction, not a crash;
5) Don't save those who made bad decisions. Moral hazard is bad;
6) Increase transparency in the corporate sector;
7) Subsidies of any kind are always and everywhere bad;
8) Get banks to write down bad loans immediately;
9) Avoid blaming the media for your problems;
10) Follow the free-market policies that drive U.S. prosperity.

感謝Bloomberg專欄作家William Persek Jr.創作出以上這編杜撰的信函。信中的美國財政部正在教訓亞洲央行行長怎樣從亞洲金融風暴中站穩陣腳。十點建議倒不是杜撰出來的。因為,IMF國基會曾要求各亞洲國家採取緊縮政策,否則不給予援助。撫今追昔,現在金融風暴從美洲吹出,但本人不見美國政府採取以上措施去穩定市埸。其所作所為更是與之完全相反,可謂諷刺致極。在金融貨幣政策上,看末亞洲央行亦是時候走自己的道路了。
