“The destruction of the three Battle Starts will be planned for November 24, 2050, at 5 p.m. At this time on Thanksgiving Day most people in the United States would be watching football and napping after digesting a massive meal......In order to do this, launches from Japan's lunar base will have to take place at various times on November 21, depending on orbit....” (Pg 194)以上乃Dr. George Friedman對2050年世界大戰所作出的沙盤推演。日本對美國進行了珍珠港式的偷襲。在感恩節前後,日本向美國在太空上的「戰鬥星群」發動奇襲,冀圖切斷美國的天眼力量繼而在地球本土襲擊美國及其盟友的戰略設施如電廠等等。發動奇襲的地點不是日本本土,而是日本在月球上的永久基地。這已不再是天謊夜談,因為美國太空總署的月球坑觀測和傳感衞星(LCROSS)終於發現月球有水,這絕對為人類人類在月球建立永久基地增加無限可能。爭奪月球的造化遊戲亦正式開始。好戲上演了!
The Next 100 Years - A forecast for the 21st century by George Friedman
*Update: 終於開口了。在《紐約時報》的一篇評論指出現在是人類在月球建立永久基地的時侯了。此君倒也坦白:
Creating a permanent lunar habitat is important primarily for our species’ survival. Humanity needs more than one home because, with all our eggs in one basket, we are at risk of low-probability but high-consequence catastrophes like asteroid strikes, nuclear war or bioterrorism.Humanity一詞當然便是以美國為首的人種了。言下之意就是美國本土有什麼閃失,還有月球作後備。問題是當非盟國例如中國也有能力在月球做「嫦娥」,此君又作何所想呢? 難道移民上火星?