
新顯學 -- 泡沬經濟學

在可見的將來,美國股票市場將會平穩地發展。以往的科網泡沬,或是樓市泡沫的榮景將不復見。因為美聯儲局主席伯南克熱中於研究一門冷門的學問--泡沬經濟學 (BUBBLEOLOGY)。不過,研究歸研究,主導的其中一位教授語重心長的憶述自己在科網狂潮的心路歷程:

"My sister's getting rich. My friends are getting rich....I think this is all crazy, but I feel so horrible about missing out, about being left out of the party." In 2000, "I finally caved in," he says. "I put in some money just as a hedge against other people getting richer than me and feeling better than me." But 2000, of course, was the year the bubble burst.

