I have told you how I faced up to the issues raised by the slideshow. These are my personal opinions and you are welcome to go through Anti-CNN.com, look through the case studies and decide for yourself. The site is in Chinese, but you dno't need to know Chinese to look at the screen captures from western media.
I can also tell you what to avoid saying because of the adverse effects:
(1) You should not say that you refuse to look at the slideshow because this is just Chinese government propaganda. Just as you closed your mind, the Chinese netizens will close their minds on you because they don't think that you are reality-based.
(3) Do not attempt a comparsion of western media with Chinese media, because Chinese netizens know a lot more about their media than westerners and they have their own workarounds. Some of them may even have the illusion that western media are always truthful. It won't do to tell them: "Since the Chinese media are rotten, we are surely entitled to suck (but not as much)!" No, that would only serve to inflame feelings.
其實全體中國人應醒覺! 所有媒體都有立場,客觀及真相報導根本不存在!