
你的名字是Goldman Sachs Part II

高盛在次按一役不但能成功抽身而出,反過來能從中取利,這段奇聞看來仍在華爾街持續發酵。例如,Bloomberg專欄作家Michael Lewis最近便發表了一編鴻文探討高盛的過人之處。其中有一段頗堪咀嚼,現列之於左:

From now on, the ordinary traders and salesmen at Goldman Sachs can beaver away knowing that their opinions and judgments about the markets in which they operate are basically irrelevant. The guys at the top of the firm are making the market calls, and if the guys at the top disagree with them, well, they'll just take the other side of their trades. But then, why do you need the traders? And what happens when the guys at the top of the firm are wrong?

一言以蔽之,高盛這次的成功全因在上位的有一言堂之獨裁權力,再加上其過人才智,所以這次危機能化險為夷。但是幸運之神是不會常伴左右的。What happens when the guys at the top of the firm are wrong? God knows.
