
如斯議員? 國家那有不走下坡之道理?

在一政府預算聽證會上,一俄亥俄州眾議員Marcy Kaptur在質詢聯儲局主席伯南克時竟大出洋相,以下是其精釆絕倫的對答:

KAPTUR: Number three, seeing as how you were the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, what percentage level -- oh, investment -- were you not...

BERNANKE: No, you're confusing me with the Treasury Secretary.

KAPTUR: I got the wrong firm?


KAPTUR: Paulson. Oh, OK. Where were you, sir?

BERNANKE: I was a CEO of the Princeton Economics Department.

KAPTUR: Oh, Princeton. Oh, all right. Sorry. Sorry.


I got you confused with the other one. I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad you clarified that for the record.

連財政部長跟聯儲局主席也分不清,如斯議員? 國家經濟那有不走下坡之道理?
