香港人或許太幸福了, 百物也富足, 大陸的東江水源源不絕, 所以制水的日子在不少人心目中已不復存在。這其實是危險的, 我們其實應非常珍惜用水, 因之得來不易。遠在美國的Atlanta及North Carolina便正受到旱災的威脅。據紐約時報報導:
Officials in the central North Carolina town of Siler City estimate that
without rain, they are 80 days from draining the Lower Rocky River
Reservoir, which supplies water for the town’s 8,200 people.
In the Atlanta metropolitan area, which has more than four million people,
worst-case analyses show that the city’s main source of water, Lake Lanier,
could be drained dry in 90 to 121 days.
It’s really alarming,” said Janice Terry, co-owner of the Best Foods cafeteria in Siler City. To curtail water use, Best Foods has swapped its dishes for paper plates and foam cups.
Most controversially, it has stopped offering tap water to customers, making them buy 69-cent bottles of water instead. “We’ve had people walk out,” Ms. Terry said. “They get mad when they can’t get a free glass of water.”
好難想像一家美國餐館連水也不免費供應, 但際此水荒也是沒有辦法的了。所以, 時時刻刻也耍珍惜用水, 幸福並非必然。