S&P estimated that even in a worst-case scenario, bailing out the broker-dealers would cost the U.S. less than 3 percent of gross domestic product, while Fannie, Freddie and Federal Home Loan Banks might drain as much as 10 percent of GDP. Defending the GSEs "could create a material fiscal burden to the government that would lead to downward pressure on its rating,'' said John Chambers, chairman of S&P's sovereign rating committee.
好了,評級機構終於不再沉默對美帝的財政狀況作出客觀的評估。問題是他們會否對美國政府窮追猛打? 這是它們對其專業能否始終如一及貫徹始終的另一項考驗。次按危機後, 評級機構如Moody's Asia及Standard & Poor's的公正形像己備受質疑。其對美國政府財政狀況的一言一行正受到投資者密切監視。但是:
Given the threat of increased regulation in their biggest market, the raters are unlikely to give the U.S. authorities even more reason to beat them up.