
Western banks, what now?

Looking at the S&P500 Bank Index chart, we certainly had climatic action in mid-July. We have seen some of the biggest rallies of banks because of the short-covering, thanks to the SEC intervention on the naked short selling.

Riding the SEC-led rally, I believe the second round of fund raising game of the Western Financials are getting closer. And that may already be kick-started by Merill, after it announced another massive writedown and invited Temasek Holdings for an additional $900 million cash infusion. But how many more Temasek is willing to finance the fragile banks? I believe, we can write off permanently banks that engage in second round of financing based on the following reasons:

1) Incompetent management. Those highly-paid executives should have known by now how much writedowns their company is going to suffer. To protect the shareholder value, they should have grabbed enough capital through the first round of financing. A second round means they don't even know how bad financially their banks are. Time to withdraw money from the bad apples.

2) Heavy interest burden. The market is efficient. To attract buyers, they need to hike the interest rate. That means, for the next couple of years, those banks can only focus on strengthening their balance sheet at the expense of their growth prospect.

3) Crowding out effect. Given the situation that even the US government is having problems financing the whole mortgage market, I can't imagine how much more a bank needs to pay if they are in need of capital. Of course, the US government can borrow from the market (say from the Chinese government) and lend to the financials using the Fed discount window (read: much cheaper rate). But do you think the Chinese are stupid enough to continue lend money to US government under the current low short-term rate? Something has to give in.

Therefore, now is time to be selective on banks. Cheap banks are cheap because they are going to be mired in debt for the forseeable future. We should look for the strongest bank instead. We should start with those banks that hasn't needed capital amid the credit crunch. As of today, I can think of HSBC and JPMorgan Chase. Maybe, it is time to accumulate them for the longer-term perspective.






以下十九隻股票,就算業績有幾差,也不宜再拋空,因為他們有美國證監為其撐腰! 他們是:

Company Ticker Symbol(s)

BNP Paribas Securities Corp. BNPQF or BNPQY
Bank of America Corporation BAC
Barclays PLC BCS
Citigroup Inc. C
Credit Suisse Group CS
Daiwa Securities Group Inc. DSECY
Deutsche Bank Group AG DB
Allianz SE AZ
Goldman, Sachs Group Inc GS
Royal Bank ADS RBS
J. P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. LEH
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. MER
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. MFG
Morgan Stanley MS
Freddie Mac FRE
Fannie Mae FNM




這是大公報昨天頭條的標題,可謂一針見血。在這場數十年難得一見的金融風暴中最大的苦主相信是中國。單單在過去的十二個月,中國便增持了大約六百七十億的agency debt*。筆者相信我們的任志剛也可能大量持有這兩家房貸商發行的債券,並需為相關資產作巨額撥備。但任總以涉及市場敏感消息為理由,不便透露外匯基金是否持有「兩房」債券。難怪,虧損太大,分分鐘工都冇埋。

看著各大央行及基金都被美帝累到輸身家,不期然想起一拉丁字: Caveat Emptor 是也。呢個世界願賭係要服輸架!

*註: Agency debt 即房利美及房貸美的債券。



難怪美國證監已出手介入,命令炒家不能作出naked short。要拋空必需先借好貨然後才可為之。





S&P estimated that even in a worst-case scenario, bailing out the broker-dealers would cost the U.S. less than 3 percent of gross domestic product, while Fannie, Freddie and Federal Home Loan Banks might drain as much as 10 percent of GDP. Defending the GSEs "could create a material fiscal burden to the government that would lead to downward pressure on its rating,'' said John Chambers, chairman of S&P's sovereign rating committee.

好了,評級機構終於不再沉默對美帝的財政狀況作出客觀的評估。問題是他們會否對美國政府窮追猛打? 這是它們對其專業能否始終如一及貫徹始終的另一項考驗。次按危機後, 評級機構如Moody's Asia及Standard & Poor's的公正形像己備受質疑。其對美國政府財政狀況的一言一行正受到投資者密切監視。但是:

Given the threat of increased regulation in their biggest market, the raters are unlikely to give the U.S. authorities even more reason to beat them up.



What if the credit rating of US government got downgraded?

We are taught that the yield of US Treasuries is the risk-free rate, meaning the credit rating of the US government is perfect. The notion that US government will never default on her debt has prevailed for so long that a downgrade is beyond our imagination.

Unfortunately, the worst case scenario - a possible downgrade - looms large as the drama of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae unfold. The pundits are right that the twins cannot collapse simply because they are too big to fail. How big? The total gross domestic product of the world is about $50 trillion. Together Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are responsible for about US$5 trillion worth of U.S. home mortgage debt i.e. they own or guarantee about half of the country's $12 trillion mortgage debt. That literally means Fannie and Freddie can't be allowed to fail. And government has already intervened.

We are now seeing the subsidizing of these two troubled lending institutions by the Fed, through the Discount Rate window, and at least a partial nationalization by the US Treasury. But, there are inevitably tradeoffs. The immediate one is a further deterioration in the quality of the US government balance sheet. A possible downgrade of the credit rating of the US government isn't that far-fetched anymore, since the government's potential obligations, which currently stand at about $9 trillion, would rise by an additional $5 trillion. Meanwhile, I do not see how any of this is positive for the US dollar. And the smart money has already quietly re-entered the bullion market as shown on the following chart.



還記得自己在去年十月廿曰在這裏寫出了一編否定自己的感言"It doesn't pay to be a permabear."其中筆者指出:

結論好簡單, 因為有政府撐腰, 叫央行減息放水, 什麼問題也可解決。通脹? 到時先算啦! 遠的不說, 就以次按為例, Fed令願通過減息打劫 Bank Savers也要救嗰班Hedge Fund佬, Wall Street話哂事的信號仲唔清楚? 所以都係那句 It doesn't pay to be a permabear. 本人明白了, 並會實行之。

看來,這編否定熊市的感想正正是最佳的Contrarian indicator。試想想看,若然在十月這時候沽掉了手上所有股票,省掉了多少虧損? 看來,對着變幻莫測的投資市場,首要的態度是歉卑!

無論如何,展望將來,未來六個月的投資環境又會點? 我抱着審慎悲觀的態度。最主要原因有三:

甲) 油價還有機會更上一層樓。雖然美帝己開了聲要懲處一些炒石油期貨的投機者,但是Federal Reserve剛剛發表了口不對心的議息後聲明,對於加息抑通貨膨脹顧左右而言他。投資者看在眼內,不立刻沽美金、長倉石油及黃金才怪。石油可能有力上破US$150。這對己就通脹非常敏感的投資市埸不利,不言而喻。

乙) 各大銀行仍然一身蟻。各大金融巨無霸的股價在過去的六月繼續疲弱,有些更創出次按風暴以來的新低,看來股票市場己預示着第二輪的集資己開始了。銀行繼續從緊,以往大肆渲染的所謂liquidity-driven升市亦無以為繼。另外,銀行從緊繼而嚴查信用卡放債情況,使美國消費者亦疲不能興,美國GDP好不了那裏。沒有了growth,股票市場亦好不了那裏。

丙) 各央行對通脹的態度。雖然Federal Reserve 放軟手腳話明冇息加,亞洲央行卻緊盯通貨膨脹進而在金融政策上從緊。一個下跌或可說是降温的投資市場顯然是他們樂見的。

那麼,未來要出現什麼現象才會扭轉這中期趨勢呢? 現在要看Federal Reserve對美金的態度了。一個集歐洲、美國、日本的央行在外滙市場上的聯合干預去挺美元將會暗示各國(包括美國)對物價急升己不能容忍了。另外要看美國銀行集資的數額及其所肯付出的利息來作評估。若然市場反應非常積極,例如Citigroup重上廿元,次按風暴所衍生的Credit Crunch或許己成過去。最後就要看今秋美國選了一個什麼樣的總統了。若然John McCain當選,大家或可高呼Four More Bush Years!弱美元的政策或許整多四年,各位預備好未?