

某西班牙報章最近透露了牛仔布殊與當時西班牙首相在2003年侵伊之戰前的對談。其對話相當精采, 亦再度引證了二件事:

甲) 美帝無視聯合國的存在! 美帝果然霸氣十足。

Prime Minister Aznar—who, it is worth noting, favored going to war—keeps urging Bush to wait a little longer before invading, in order to assemble a broader coalition. "I agree," he says after Bush tells him it's time to put a stop to Saddam's dithering, "but it would be good to be able to count on as many people as possible. Be a little bit patient."

"My patience is over," Bush replies. "I don't even think about [waiting] beyond mid-March." The other members of the U.N. Security Council, he says, "have to know" that friendship with the United States is at stake. If Chile doesn't go along with a war resolution, the Free Trade Agreement is in trouble. If Angola falters, its leaders should forget about receiving funds from the Millennium Account. Vladimir Putin should know "that his attitude is jeopardizing" U.S.-Russian relations.

乙) 小布殊要置薩達姆於死地。

Aznar asks if there's any possibility Saddam could be offered a deal to go into exile "with some guarantee." Bush replies, "No guarantee. He's a thief, a terrorist, a war criminal. Compared to Saddam, Milosevic would be a Mother Theresa [sic]."

