
Russo–Georgia War Redux

Radio Free Europe reported that "The Russian Consulate in Simferopol has been aggressively issuing Russian passports to ethnic Russian Crimeans." So, the Russians are doing what they had done to Georgians during the invasion in 2008. At that time, the Russians were also aggressively issuing Russian passport to the ethnic Russians living in now-Independent (self-declared) region of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. So a Georgia War 2008 scenario is now being copied to the Crimea region of Ukraine. Sooner or later, Crimea would declare their Independent (since 60% are Russians), but only recognized by Russia not the West. Now the only wild card would be the respond of EU and the United States of America.



是日,踩單車完畢。精神大好。卻見網上熱哄哄。杜汶澤與黄秋生就梁振英次女質疑明報前總編輯劉進圖被刀斬案與新聞自由倒退的關係,在網上對陣。黄秋生指出: 『呢件事你可以估,個理由好有理由,令大家覺得好有理由。但不能用猜度當係一個總結、conclusion,一個answer。』對的。無人知行兇的動機,亦可能永遠無人知。不過,當無權無勢的人如劉進圖被斬,事件或影響建制形象或利益時,特別多人企出來要求證據『證實』。事件很像李慧玲被炒,又有一班人護航,要求要有證據『證實』李慧玲被辭退與其言論有關。咁多福爾摩斯,但當去年十月,佔領中環發起人朱耀明、真普聯召集人鄭宇碩及支聯會主席李卓人訪台,與民進黨前主席施明德會面,就遭香港建制派議員、香港左報及內地《環球時報》圍攻,稱「佔領中環」活動勾結台獨份子。《人民日報》海外版上周更刊文批評:『港獨與台獨勾結,其實是引鴆止渴,自尋死路。香港是法治社會,不會容忍危害國家安全的罪行。妄圖分裂國家的人,將成為全民公敵,必然不會有好下場。』先不論佔領中環是否=港獨。但當在野的人如朱耀明及鄭宇碩等被指控與台獨分子勾結,無人企出嚟要證據『證實』真的勾結。亦無人話:『呢件事你可以估,個理由好有理由,令大家覺得好有理由。但不能用猜度當係一個總結、conclusion,一個answer。』起碼黄生無。梁振英次女更加無。鸚鵡學舌者都無。

