

美國佐治亞州首府亞特蘭大正在爭扎着! 根據Salon.com一篇文章的綜合報導:

18 months of blue skies have led Georgia to break every historical record, whether measured by "the percentage of moisture in the soil, the flow rate of rivers, [or] inches of rain."

And yet, depending on which article you read, Atlanta will essentially run out of water by New Year's eve, in 80 days, in 120 days, or, according to the Army Corps of Engineers -- which seems to find this reassuring -- in 375 days, if the drought continues (as it may well do).


17 North Carolina water systems, including Raleigh and Durham, have 100 or fewer days of water supply remaining before they reach the dregs." Rock Spring, S.C., "has been without water for a month. Farmers are hauling water by pickup truck to keep their cattle alive." The same is true for the tiny town of Orme, Tenn., where the mayor turns on the water for only three hours a day.

根據drought.gov的資料顯示, 美國東南部各州例如南卡羅來納州、田納西州及佐治亞州的乾旱程度仍然是屬於D4級–即是非比尋常級別 (見圖)。這情況為何一直維持下去?另外這邊箱, 兩廣也正在受到旱災的威脅! 根據今天信報報導:

在旱情嚴重的廣東方面,今年秋季(九月至十一月)降水量偏少四成ニ,廣西則偏少二成八! 降水的持續偏少使廣東省內大部區出現中等以上旱情,局部地區更達到極旱‧‧‧‧‧筆者希望自己只是杞人憂天! 因為全球太多太多的旱情,串連起來便令人懷疑這是不是全球温室問題的後遺症。若這是新趨勢, 水資源股便大有可為了。







An appropriate role for government is to bring the private sector together when innovation has greatly increased the complexity of achieving beneficial solutions for all parties involved.

言下之意是當創新的技術令到這個社會變得複雜從而危害各方各派的利益,政府便有義務為市場出作統合。問題是科技與新意念天天推陳出新的時侯,社會只會愈來愈複雜,那麼根據保爾森的羅輯,政府只會常常作出預及統合。這或許就是廿一世紀政府職能的重大改變,在上世紀備受推崇的自由放任原則 (laissez-faire) 將會被埋在歷史的垃圾堆。

香港政府奉為神聖的積極不干預政策是否已不再合時宜呢? 我們應繼續留意這個新保爾森信號。


你的名字是 Goldman Sachs

高盛過去兩年向市場上出售了大量Collateralized Mortgage Obligation。根據abalert.com的估計, 高盛總共包鎖了大約總值千億美元的CMOs。但是, 同一時間高盛也積極拋空這類CMOs。所以在云云投資銀行中亦只有高盛沒有受次按拖累。究其實, 一家非常積極出售它自己認為是垃圾投資工具的投資銀行是否道德?我們不知道。我只知道財長保爾森是高盛的人。負責挽救花旗的前財長魯賓又是高盛的人。正一係落埸踢係佢, 球證又係佢, 贏哂!

Goldman 你係得嘅!